
“Before nurse coaching, I was struggling with snacking on unhealthy foods and constant sugar cravings.

I desired to be happier and healthier in my life but after decades of living like this I thought this was my future as well. My own physical and mental health were on the back burner as I focused to ensure that everyone around me was taken care of. I was not prioritizing myself at all and was mentally and physically exhausted. These lifestyle choices were affecting my relationship with my husband as well. That all changed when I began to work with my nurse coach. Together with my nurse coach, I discovered improved health, happiness, and so much more.

The sessions were authentic and genuine. She listened deeply and held space for me to discover my true strength and ability. I began to heal from the inside out. Together we set realistic goals surrounding eating, activity, my business, and relationships.

My relationship with my husband has improved greatly in that I have improved my communication timing and style, I prioritize the extra minutes throughout my day, and am intentional in our time together. My poor eating habits had resulted in a lack of energy and a poor self-image and through nurse coaching, I discovered that these poor eating choices stemmed from decades of emotional eating. With her inquiry and techniques, we uncovered truths about mindful eating which has led to my improved overall wellbeing. Her guidance and knowledge surrounding healthy nutrition was phenomenal.

My coaching sessions were amazing and transformative! I highly recommend her nurse coaching to anyone that desires more happiness or improved health. A+++”

— Sara (South Dakota)

“I now have regular bowel movements.

Thank you so much for introducing me to molecular hydrogen water! I can’t wait to get one of these in my own home.”

— Karen (Minnesota)